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Monday, 22 December 2014

What really fuels breed discrimination? by Glass Paws

What really fuels breed discrimination?

A recent social media drama has me thinking quite a bit about what it is that causes breed discriminatory laws to be passed.  The crux of the issue that sparked this post was the claim that mis-labeling dogs as pit bulls is the reason breed discriminatory laws are passed; that when people mis-identify a dog as a pit bull bite, stats are inflated and, as a result, BDL (breed discriminatory legislation) is passed.
There was a time when I thought the same thing, that BDL was caused by inflated statistics.  I don’t disagree with the idea that people should only call dogs with a verifiable lineage by a breed name, or in this case nickname, but the longer I work towards breed neutral communities, the more I realize that there is no reason for breed discriminatory laws.  When I say reason, I mean fact and statistic.  These laws aren’t based on statistics because even in areas where dogs identified as pit bulls feature heavily in bite stats, they are still the minority of the percentage of bites over all.  It is the rare town that even considers BDL these days, and even rarer still is one that considers it based on bite rates.
So what is really driving these laws?  It is a complex issue that varies from municipality to municipality but the bottom line always comes down to one thing, there is the mistaken perception that targeting dogs by appearance is a simple solution to a complex issue.  Mostly it isn’t even about dogs but people.  We have seen over and over again references to “those people” who own pit bulls and the idea that bad owners can’t be removed from a community but the dogs can.
A few examples.  Clay, Alabama passed their breed ban because officials read an article about pit bulls being a problem.  There were no attacks in the city.  Moreauville, LA, passed a ban because officials had issues with menacing dogs and they couldn’t remove the owners from the community, so they went after the dogs.  Minot, ND, there was a fight between 2 dogs and neither was considered a pit bull even under the broadest definition but they passed a ban on pit bulls because of the hysteria surrounding the dogs in the late 80’s.  Ontario, Canada, passed their ban after a fatality by a dog that was not a pit bull.  Aurora, CO, passed their ban after Denver’s ban was upheld for fear of “those pit bull owners” moving from Denver into Aurora.  In Boston, MA, after the state prohibition against BDL was passed and officials were trying to keep their BDL but a freedom of information act request revealed they had no data, despite claims by officials.  Boston animal control openly admitted at the hearing that they needed BDL to “go after the bad guys.”  This is just a small sample of what I can remember off the top of my head, the examples go on and on but a pattern emerges.
Breed discriminatory laws aren’t based on any facts but rather on a feeling.  Aurora, CO, councilwoman Molly Markert admitted exactly that while the breed ban there was put up to ballot.  It is a feeling of doing something, even if that something doesn’t work.  It is a feeling about the owners of a dog whose roots are less than savory.
Even if tomorrow we could get every single person on board with only calling papered dogs by the breed names, it does not address the roots of breed discriminatory laws, because the root is not in statistics or reason but feeling.  Even if tomorrow, only pure breed American Pit Bull Terriers were called pit bulls, it wouldn’t save dogs from breed discriminatory laws already in place because of wording of these laws which invariably includes language that includes “dogs who conform to the appearance of the American Pit Bull Terrier.”
The perfect recent example of the effects of this clause is from Camdenton, MO, where 2 registered American Bulldogs are considered banned because they meet 5 out of 8 criteria on the city’s checklist.  The label of the dogs doesn’t matter to officials.  What matters is what they look like. Labels don’t protect dogs from BDL and neither do papers in many cases.
Labeling is an issue.  It is an issue from a public perception standpoint.  It is an issue because of media reporting which fuels that perception but even that is changing drastically.
Labeling is an issue because those who claim only APBTs are pit bulls when one does something wrong are the first to turn around and claim a hero dog story is a pit bull.
Labeling is an issue because some groups have made it into a divisive way to wage war on others who are on the same side of the larger issue. However, labeling is not the issue or even on the list of top ten for why BDL is passed.
We must move past the classical rhetoric about BDL and have an honest conversation about what needs to be done to promote safety in every community.

Friday, 19 December 2014

The Monster within-~ ZOMBIESANDDOGS

The Monster within-

I’ve typed, re-typed, walked away seething and took my frustration out on my helpless kitchenAid while making Christmas cookies- and here I am again.
I’ve debated with myself if writing this was a good idea but after reading something I realized that I could no longer turn a blind eye to the ugliness growing in our anti BSL/rescue community. I know without a doubt I’m going to piss off some folks but it’s time we focus on cleaning up our mess so that we can effectively accomplish our goals. Our dreams of dogs of all breeds safe without the fear of ignorant laws being created because humans are way to arrogant to put aside their selfish pride.
I get it- people are proud of their papered registered bully breed or ABPT that has lineage traced all the way back to Moses- but can you point out what dog really gives a crap about that? They don’t- do you think those papers will save you from the affect of Breed specific legislations and Ban’s? Because it won’t. I don’t know what legislator will sit down and write- “Well, let’s protect those papered APBT’s and other papered bully type breeds but just have the mutts fall under the BSL/bans” and if you think it will then you need to return to reality quick.
BSL/Bans are knee jerk reactions to irresponsible dog ownership and be honest- there ALOT of irresponsible dog owners and people that SHOULD NEVER own a dog that are roaming around. Accidents/fatalities just waiting to happen and who gets the blame? The dog. Our dogs.
You know all that bickering about “oh my gawd-you called that dog a pit bull” does? Puts another dog in a cage in some pound- with the a glimmer of possibly being adopted? In 2008- estimated that approximately 3.7 million animals were euthanized in the nation’s shelters and guess what? Being a 100% American Bully or 100% pit bull didn’t save them from that fate. You know who sentenced each and every dog to that fate? We did. Why you ask? Because the movement that is created to help them is fractured by the stupid squabbling over if a dog is a pure bred or not.
The Anti BSL movement is a strong and driven force made up of many different groups- all with something to lose- but it’s splintering. Why? Because it starts to become more about ego for some and not so much about the goal.
A great example of pride, narcissism and just plain arrogance is what’s going down in the Facebook page “Pit bulls against misinformation”. I honestly was not going to put them on blast but it’s crap like this that needs to stop.
It’s stupidity like this that needs to end- like yesterday.
Hi- yes, your American papered bully is just the same as the pit mix in the eyes of BSL. Hell, an American Bully was responsible for a mauling- I mean, come in Bully breed owners- I don’t hear one of you saying “Oh that’s totally mislabeled! That’s totally a bully!” Nor do I hear these hard core papered pit owners cry foul when the media covers positive stories about “pit bulls” (even though majority are those darn mutts that are tarnishing the breed according to the pit bull purist.)
No- you know what fuels BSL?
This crap. Some more crap. Toss in some irresponsible ownership - a whole lot of fear and little to no answers from the mass group of the owners of these breeds. So you know who goes to lobby for these BSL/Bans and have been successful? BSL supporters.
They have one goal- to exterminate ANY dog that share the same characteristics. Doesn’t matter if you have papers or a mutt- they want o eliminate your dog and guess what? Stupidity shown by Pages like Pit bulls against misinformation is helping them along with that goal.
This is the tip of the iceberg and Monday I’ll go into more detail of the issues we face as a movement.
But until then- lets get our shit together people- check your pride at the door and focus on the real problem- us.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014


  • Jeff Boofhead

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  • Annie Cowan Brown Its a picture of your mama, bitch.
    • Hide 27 Replies
    • Kitt Hallow Really? Mama jokes? And hm, derogatory name calling to.....I have a question: what ghetto are you from?
    • Annie Cowan Brown HIS neighborhood. In a land where people create phony facebook pages to harrass grieving parents who have been eaten in the jaws of a dog JUST like this one. In ALLBETSAREOFFSVILLE.
    • Annie Cowan Brown Yeah Kitt, mama jokes. 
    • Kitt Hallow And how old are you?
      Seems like a down right awful place to live. You know, maybe pages like this wouldn't be up If Bogart didn't harass people like he does. What comes around goes around.
    • Annie Cowan Brown Im too old to care what anyone really thinks. Especially those that I have no respect for. And I'm completely floored by the lack of respect for victims and the inhumanness of this kind of person. Sometimes it gets away from me and I actually sink dismally to their level. Its just out of anger and disbelief. I hate looking at shattered bodies, faces and lives. My bad.
    • Annie Cowan Brown Really, really sad 
    • Kitt Hallow Hey, Its fine. I understand. Im upset by the hatred filing around. I may be pro-pit, but I can say two wrongs don't make a right. Pages like this are a bit distasteful. But how Bogart treats people is also distasteful. Personally, why I do believe pages like this are wrong, I do not think the page's creator is soley for disrespecting victims or Inhumane. I think they are just tired of how Bogart acts. And I don't blame them. The extremists on both sides of the fence need to be toned down.
    • Annie Cowan Brown Agreed. Hard to tell Jeff to tone down though. I dont think that I would tone down after my baby boy was killed. Maybe oneday, but not for awhile. People need to STOP talking back to the victims, stop challenging them with personal experiences. They dont care, they are in pain, numb. We should let them vent and leave them alone. Of course they will respond like that. Noone KNOWS how many attacks he has had. Can't people just walk away?
    • Annie Cowan Brown Thank you Kitt.
    • Cindy M Ballard Jeff has never been rude or hateful to anyone, and he has been tormented, terrorized, bullied, victimized, you name it! He has every right to react to all of it and then some if he has! Until you walk his path, do not judge! There are many fake accounts with his name, created just to give him a bad reputation because he is polite to everyone.
    • Jennie Conway Unless these fools have seen the horrifying end results of a pit bull attack they should shut their mouths! Unless you have seen the victims shut up already. Psychopaths have no empathy!
    • Jeff Boofhead thank you Kitt Hallow & Annie Cowan Brown for showing some respect for each other and dropping the hate speech and talkning i ask the same of Cindy M Ballard & Jennie Conway to do the same pls, let me confirm to you kitt your right you nailed it, i'm sick of hearing all the outrageous comment from both sides and not just jeff?, that scum that made the football comment and such need counselling seriously?? we all agree on that,, anyone attacking or bellittling or ill treating a victim in any way shape or form s unacceptible,,, the thing is jeff and some of you people even have attacked me for simply stating that the dogs listed as attacking Daxton (may he RIP) were boxer mixes,, ???? Annie you passionately defend victims lashing out but have you considered that I may be a victim too and the reason I'm so passionately opposed to bsl because it was a non pitbull that attacked me (cattle mastiff mix) and BSL does nothing to prevent similar attacks in the future, doesn't give me every much as much right as any one else to speak on this issue??
      Like · 2 ·  · 23 hours ago
    • Jeff Boofhead Cindy M Ballard " Jeff has never been rude or hateful to anyone " isn't it hatefull to threaten to feed your neighbors dog anti freeze if it looks like a pitbull ?? Cindy be real here now for no other reason then the way it looks, this type of negative comment exposes jd what if some nutter poisons pitbulls with anti freeze and then gets caught and admits to getting the idea of the internet from one of his numerous anti freeze posts which are on so many blogss and pages??
      Like · 1 ·· 23 hours ago · Edited
    • Kitt Hallow Your welcome, Annie. 
      I agree, It would be hard to tone down. I have my moment to, everyone does. People need to learn how to sit back and understand from different points of view. And yes, they need to learn to just walk away.

      To Boofhead: I try, and your welcome. I try to be respectful, Its really not that hard.

      To Cindy and Jennie::
      Sorry to burst yal's bubble, but Ive personally seen some of the rude comments on pages as well as screenshots where Bogart is rude when someone posts a calm comment opposing his view. Yes, Ive never talked to him myself, Im sure he can be polite. And yes, I agree he has had severe backlash from Idiots who are Insensitive and have no right to be debating. However, when you make nasty comments to minors, share pictures without consent, and down play victims of non-pit attacks, I can't conclude your have good morals. 

      What Bogart needs to realize Is venting and working to better the goal of less attacks should be his priority in the debate. He needs to learn not to stoop to the Insensitive Idiots' level. If he did this, he'd probably look much better as a person In the eyes of many people.

      I have walked down his path. Not with a child, but a very close childhood friend. I have also been down the victms path, as I have been attacked by a pit as a child. I know how Bogart feels. I just took a different path when it came to these dogs. Im not judging by his views. Im judging by the comments he makes, by the pics he posts without consent, down playing non-pit victims and by threats to kill dogs.
      Unlike · 3 · 23 hours ago · Edited
    • Annie Cowan Brown Kitt, as far as the sharing pictures without consent goes, have you ever seen the Foamers pages? They took several of my pictures and put them on their page with insults to me personally, they put me on a foamer family tree and many other things. Sometimes people fight fire with fire. This Boofhead page for example, is not right.This page DESTROYS credibility. This person has NO STAKE in this issue whatsoever except "him got hims feelings hurt" This page and the foamers pages among others, are EXACTLY what continues ill feelings. Not one of those people would be acting this way if their own dog turned on them and killed their child. Some of our bsl advocates were BIG pit advocates BEFORE their dog killed a family member. Now they see the whole picture and believe laws should be in place for dangerous dog breeds/types to protect and give justice after attacks.
      Stealing photos and posting comments actually made by another person should be illegal, but its not because of the fb waivers. Its not right to post peoples pics and then talk ugly about them. Its just plain inhuman to attack a grieving parent, EVER, FOR ANY REASON. People just need to walk away.
      None of those people know me, they just know that I stand strong for victims rights and laws to protect humans, so that makes me the bad guy. Well, if trying to stand up for mauled children and pets is BAD. Then I guess I am. I dont have hate in my heart for anyone or anything. But I DO have alot of disbelief that we can't join forces and come up with a solution to stop this insanity.
    • Kitt Hallow Hey, I do agree with the fact posting pictures of people and bad mouthing Is wrong. Its despicable, on both sides. Both sides needs to stop though, not just ours. The humility of another person should be done on their own terms.

      Standing up for anything Isn't bad. I see it on both sides and understand both sides. I just think killing off a host of breeds Isn't the answer is all. And the hatred does need to stop. Im striving for the same goal, to stop attacks, just with the dogs still In the picture. If both sides could be as reasonable with eachother as you and me, I think this Issue could have been solved already.
      Like · 1 · 21 hours ago
    • Annie Cowan Brown I agree with you Kitt. Honestly I have put together a Facebook page in hopes that pit and BSL advocates could work together to come up with solutions. I actually have a page that is already posted but it is not open yet, called pitbull pragmatics. I have just never been able to find any pit advocates that were willing to talk to me frankly without anger or were willing to talk to me period. So I appreciate that about you. Maybe you and I could work on some things behind the scenes without interference and then start pulling people that are like-minded into our partnership. I believe there are rogue people on each side of the fence that are doing things that are not cool and those people need to be shut down by the folks who are handling things appropriately. Maybe that could be an issue that we address as well. I will private message you.
    • Jeff Boofhead Annie Cowan Brown I tried to talk to jeff and he attacked me, i don't own a pitbull this page is in protest to the "owners submitted" page and will dissappear if that page does?? I respond in kind to that sort of behavior as you'll see, i have not deleted all the negative comments, the page is as people make and not shaped or manipulated to give a certain impressio, i welcome some reasonable conversation and applaud your initiative thank you
    • Jeff Boofhead And here I was thinking we were making headway and then you say this Annie Cowan Brown "" This person has NO STAKE in this issue whatsoever except "him got hims feelings hurt" "" oh and Annie Cowan Brownpls explain this " None of those people know me, they just know that I stand strong for victims rights and laws to protect humans, so that makes me the bad guy. """ Annie seems to be a strange name for a guy??
      Like · · 12 hours ago
    • Annie Cowan Brown I'm not a guy. I am a female personal trainer. I live in San Antonio. Now that you have actually come out and stated why you have a stake in this we can understand. We have all said and done things that we weren't proud of in our lives. We are human. I am a breed specific legislation advocate. That MEANS that there are breeds of dogs that I believe should be legislated, or governed for the safety of humans, because of their behavior. I believe that all bully breeds, mastiffs, rotties, wolves, and other dogs that have proven themselves to be dangerous through their actions should be governed by a set of laws that will hold their owners to strict standards. These laws should include but are not limited to: the way they are kept ( too many are loose on the streets, I saw one yesterday in downtown New Braunfels), the way they are walked (too many are off leash or get away from owners - I saw MANY of these this past summer at the river), the way they are handled in homes (if you have company, they must either be supervised COMPLETELY or put away under lock and), in stores (they must NEVER be forced onto people or allowed to go after another animal). These laws should restrict owners of dangerous dogs from taking them certain places. I mean, if you choose a breed that is aggressive, they don't belong just anywhere and all owners are not created equal and some WONT be responsible. Some use common sense and safety and some are reckless. Children should not take them out alone for walks. Which brings me to a point, the problem with pitbulls in general. I have read about, seen video of, and talked to victims and there hundreds of attacks every few months by these dogs. Then you see hundreds of accounts by pit owners where they are gentle and loving dogs. They seem to be both. Angela Rutledge's dog Kissy Face was a family pet for 8 years or so. Kissy was a member of the family, slept with her kids, lived in the home with love, never abused or neglected. One day, she went to the bathroom and left Kissy and her son Beau in the livingroom watching tv. She returned to find that Beau has been decapitated by the dog, who walked up to her wagging, then went back to him picked up his body and shook it again. This is, "hello, I'm a dog" behavior. This is something that a yorkie or chihuahua could not possibly have done. If you own a dog capable of this, you HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THIS. Angela was a STAUNCH pitbull advocate, like many who raise them with children. Now she believes in bsl and wishes she had never believed differently. Then there are people who have owned them for years with no problems. Everyone who owns a pitbull has seen them be aggressive at some point. And when I say aggressive, It doesn't have to mean vicious aggressive, it can mean overactive and tenacious. There is a very fine line between that and an attack. A quick demeanor change.
      Also, these laws should restrict who can own and breed these dogs. Overbreeding for $$ is wrong, its's endangering people and animals, and increasing unwanted dogs that are filling our shelters. You can't own a potentially dangerous breed without restrictions, just like guns, exotic animals, etc. Anything that, if mishandled, can kill someone must have rules. These laws must include accountability. You break the law, you pay, and must have the means (insurance, cash) to pay for medical expenses and all other issues surrounding an attack. The victims lose their lives, their family members, their pets, or their limbs, face, eyes, tongues, and often are never aided by the very person who chose the animal and handled it irresponsibly. Laws should include euthanizing ANY dog that commits an unprovoked attack on an individual and CERTAINLY if the person or pet is killed. ANY ANIMAL OUT FOR BLOOD HAS NO PLACE IN SOCIETY. 
      These are just a few of my thoughts. 
      You might notice that I did not say ban the breed or euthanize all these dogs. While they have proven to be unpredictable, there are many that are apparently ok. Will those dogs remain ok? Time will tell. I'm personally never going to own one. The pitbull that attacked me was a neighbor's pet that escaped the fence. I was lucky enough to escape him. I would like to see them banned, don't get me wrong. Not because they are all bad, but because there are too many irresponsible people who own them, there are too many irresponsible people who breed them. And NO ONE IS AROUND BUT THE VICTIM TO SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES. I won't support a ban unless it is in an area where there is complete chaos, but I would like to see laws. Breed specific legislation involves WAY MORE than a ban. A ban is the last resort.
      Oh, and "the bad guy" is a term used to mean, the person that people look down on. It is interchangeable for men and women and should not be taken literally. Have you never heard that before?
      I'm sorry about your attack. I'm sure you can relate to victims then.
      This fb page might better serve your purpose if it continues to bring us together, not divide us. (Typed on my phone Sorry for any typos or spell check errors.)
    • Jeff Boofhead if you focus on a particular breed or type of dog you have ZERO chance of stopping all bites deaths attacks etc, and I'm assuming that's what we all want ? vicious ogs not matter what the breed ie: breed neutral legislation would have across the board support from every advocate i've spoken to, it's the only way to stop all deaths?
      Like ·  · 2 hours ago · Edited
    • Jeff Boofhead i acknowledg the "bad guy" thing and admit i was only joking?
    • Annie Cowan Brown Obviously some dogs are not truly capable of killing someone, I mean, seriously. I think we HAVE to focus on breeds that we recognize ss dangerous due to statistics. But agreed there be strong laws for dogs across the board. People need to look at owning a pet as a privilege more than their right. When someone feels their rights are being threatened they get defensive. We need for people to be able to see that their rights cannot infringe (by harm or death) on another's rights.
    • Annie Cowan Brown The bad guy thing sounds untrusting. But why should you? After all, I do think you are a butthead for putting this page up. Now I'm oddly thankful. Hopeful that we can start working together on this conflict for the benefit of all.
    • Jeff Boofhead if a dogs dangerous it's dangerous and by dropping the breed thing we have a greater chance of stopping all he deaths and I'm in support of anything that takes a step in the right direction, there's ne need to be name calling and carrying we can all discuss this maturely ,, Im all for it ?
    • Annie Cowan Brown The reality is that MOST PEOPLE whose dogs attack were SURPRISED by it. They never expected it out of their precious angel. Seriously? NEVER? To me, that's hard to believe. It just sounds like someone trying to get out of trouble, trying to dodge responsibility. If not, then we are seeing a whole lot of unpredictability in certain breeds. Paired with size and history of attack, unpredictability is the factor that brings me to the conclusion that certain breeds MUST be targeted more than others. If it were beagles, I'd feel the same way. One owners dogs "surprise" behavior should NOT be another persons tragedy. We don't allow lions to roam the streets. We do let cats. One is more dangerous in attack mode. Do both attack? Yes, do both kill when they attack, no. Yet we can weigh the threats to society. The same must be done here.
    • Jeff Boofhead the calgary model which is the most successfull in the world is breed neutral and owner specific,, I won't ignore victims of non pitbulls we want to stop all the deaths not just a certain percentage that may be, no, we want to stop 100% of DBRD's?
    • Jeff Boofhead

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  • Ashley Costabile Well then he has one gorgeous mama!