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Friday, 19 September 2014

El Dorado, Kansas May Lift Their Nearly 30 Year Pit Bull Ban – CALL TO ACTION

El Dorado, Kansas May Lift Their Nearly 30 Year Pit Bull Ban – CALL TO ACTION

By Sloane Quealy-Miner
El Dorado, Kansas will quite possibly end the “pit bull” ban that has been in effect for almost 30 years as early as next month. At a recent hearing city officials heard from Peggy Bourbon, whose daughter Mary has a pit bull that serves as her therapy dog. Mary relies on Tipsy and when she recently brought her into El Dorado’s city limits she was fined and jailed. Thanks to Mary and many others who have spoken out against BSL hopefully injustices like this will be a thing of the past.
However there will still be numerous restrictions in place regarding pit bulls.  In the draft ordinance being considered mandatory micro-chipping, sterilization, as well as annual licensing will be enforced. Also, there will be a 2 “pit bull” maximum per household.
While this is a huge step in the right direction, I certainly do not agree with the city mandating that you can only have two “pit bull” type dogs. This creates a huge issue right off the bat as it depends on a law enforcer’s subjective opinion about how a dog looks. It is impossible without DNA testing so say for sure if a dog is in fact a “pit bull”.
Who is a pit bull?
Who is a pit bull?
Look at the Calgary and Alberta, Canada, model, as they have the lowest bite rates and no breed specific legislation. Key aspects of the program include no breed specific legislation, stronger licensing programs and stronger enforcement as well as safety public awareness and education campaigns. “We don’t punish breeds, we punish behavior,” said Chief Officer Bill Bruce. “The bottom line is, we believe all dogs are capable of biting.”
Factors beyond a dogs breed affect a dog’s tendency toward aggression – such as reproductive status, heredity, sex, early experience, and socialization and training. More than 70% of all dog bite cases involve unsterilized male dogs, and an unneutered male dog is 2.6 times more likely to bite than a neutered male dog. Dogs kept tethered whether by chains or collars for hours, days, months or even years suffers immense psychological damage. A friendly and docile dog, when kept chained becomes neurotic, unhappy, anxious and often aggressive, no matter what breed.
Please politely express your support, and encourage the Eldorado, Kansas City Officials, to in fact lift their now almost 30 year “pit bull” ban.

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