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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

The Federation files Temporary Restraining Order, lawsuit, to end PG Breed Ban

The Federation files Temporary Restraining Order, lawsuit, to end PG Breed Ban

On Friday, the Maryland Dog Federation filed a temporary restraining order and preliminary injunction to stop the enforcement of the county’s dog breed ban. If granted, it will require the county to immediately stop seizing dogs from their families simply for what they look like. A hearing to permanently stop enforcement would follow that would eliminate the breed specific dog law throughout the county.
For 16 years the county breed ban has forced the seizure and killing of thousands of family dogs despite their doing nothing wrong. Repeated requests to the county council for repeal have gone unanswered. Legislative efforts have failed; legal action is now the next option. The Federation’s attorney, Anne Benaroya, director of the Maryland Animal Law Center, has requested a Temporary Restraining Order and Permanent Injunction to cease its enforcement of the dog breed ban.
“This will be a true David and Golliath case,” says Maryland Dog Federation Executive Director Adrianne Lefkowitz. “We are a local grassroots organization with limited resources going up against a huge county. This case is far from won and fighting for our rights is an expensive process. There are hundreds, thousands of citizens who have had the family dog ripped away from them. This law provides no additional safety benefit to the county superior to enforcing behavior-specific laws instead. We expect resistance from the county and that’s why we need the support of everyone who cares about fairness, dogs and people.” For more information visit the federation website and consider a contribution to the Prince George’s County Family Dog Legal Defense Fund (
Prince George’s County is the second largest municipality in the United States to have a dog breed ban. The law was enacted in 1997 despite the county’s strong, effective, breed-neutral, behavior-specific potentially dangerous dog law, vicious dog law, nuisance law, and leash law, established years prior to keep the public safe. No municipality needs breed-specific laws and Prince George’s is no exception. The county breed ban is hugely expensive, ineffective, and allows for dogs to be seized and killed for doing nothing wrong –without increasing public safety.
Please consider a financial contribution to the Prince George’s Family Dogs Defense Fund to help the effort.
Every penny of your contribution is earmarked to this case. you can save innocent family dogs with a click of your mouse and your support.

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